Tapa Turtles
This term with miss gibson white we have been learning about tapa cloth and turtles.
I learned
- How to make tapa cloth
- Symmetry
- Reflection
- Geometry
- Translation
- Rotation
I enjoyed it because it was a new experience.
I didn't enjoy it because it was a challenge.
It was fun because I did it with my friends.
How to make tapa turtles.
First we had to get a turtle and then we had we had to draw designs onto them after we drawed the designs on we had to glue them into our books.
How to make tapa cloth.
First we had to scrunch up a piece of A3 paper until it was soft after we scrunched up the A3 paper we had to dye it a light brown color and then we let them dry.
Our math rotations!
Miss gibson white gave us tasks to do on each desk and a few windows.We had to get into a group of 2 TO 3 people and we learnt a lot.Here is a picture of me and my group.